Category: About Me

About Me

Low Tolerance for GOOD?

Prior to a few years ago, I equated tolerance with how much a person could drink before they appeared drunk. Why on earth would anyone

About Me

The Second Time I Learned to Breathe

I have had two deep learning experiences around breathing. My first was at my birth; instinctual and automatic, an innate learning that I didn’t have

About Me

August 2022 Goals & Progress

Most of August was pretty slow for me. I was continuing to recover from surgery and the three youngest kids were gone for 10 days

About Me

My Spending Experiment August 2022

I’m doing it……… I recently finished reading Cait Flanders’ “The Year of Less”. This book recounts Cait’s year-long “shopping ban” month by month. I loved

About Me

July 2022 Goals & Progress

The beginning of July was full of activity and at the end of July, things seemed to come to a screeching halt. I kept my