Category: Holes to Whole


Grieving my Grandma

Today Mya and my mom (Nana) got to enjoy and celebrate the fruits of a project they have been working on for months. As I

Holes to Whole


Trapped in my state Trapped at my home Trapped behind a mask Trapped inside my body Trapped inside my head Trapped by my ideas, beliefs


Who Am I Actually Writing to?

Recently I was listening to a message by Pastor I love. He is so humble and so real. To me that is the perfect combination.


You and I

For as long as I can remember I always thought of sin as bad. I hate the words “good” and “bad”. They are so extreme



“In acting out, I was screaming when I could not voice my pain.” Big Red Book of Adult Children of Alcoholics p. 503 I have


4th of July

Yesterday was a very different 4th of July with Covid of course. My 4th of July six years ago was very different but due to